One of the best things that you can do when you own a vehicle is to take the time to learn exactly how you can protect the transmission on your vehicle, mostly due to the fact that if your transmission should happen to fail it can be one of the most expensive components to have to repair or replace. Listed below are two ways to extend the life of your transmission.
Limit The Effects Of Towing On Your Vehicle
One of the biggest ways to extend the life of your transmission is to take steps to limit the effects of towing on your vehicle. Towing can be one of the worst activities when it comes to the amount of strain it can put on your transmission, mostly because of the sheer amount of extra weight that your vehicle is moving around.
An easy way to limit the effect of towing on your vehicle is to simply take it easy while towing your vehicle up any inclines. For example, if you are driving up a hill or steep road, don't worry about trying to maintain the speed limit and shoving the gas pedal down as hard as possible in order to keep up with traffic. Instead, try to keep your vehicle at a steady and lower RPM so that your transmission and engine are not having to work too hard and overheat the transmission.
Take The Time To Warm Up Your Vehicle
Another important step to take when trying to extend the life of your transmission is to take the time to warm up your vehicle. This means that every morning when you are heading out to work or school, let the vehicle sit for anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute after you started before setting off. The reason that this is so necessary is that it does take time for the transmission fluid and other fluids within your vehicle to warm up and actually do their job, which means that driving before those fluids are warmed up can actually cause a lot of unnecessary and harmful wear on your transmission and other components of your vehicle.
Speak to a local mechanic today in order to discuss what you can do to extend the life of your transmission and to have your transmission checked out. You will want to limit the effects of towing on your vehicle and take the time to warm up your vehicle every morning when trying to maximize the lifespan of your transmission.